30th Indiana Cave Symposium
The 30th Indiana Cave Symposium, co-sponsored by the Indiana Karst Conservancy and Indiana Cave Survey, will be held on Saturday, April 20, at the Orange County Community Center (1075 N Sandy Hook Road adjacent to the 4-H fairgrounds) in Paoli, Indiana. This is the same venue as last year.
As in the past, the symposium will offer a free cookout (burgers, brats, and other assorted meats and non-meat offerings) and we encourage attendees to share pitch-in side dishes (a covered dish, salad, or dessert). The meal will start at 5 PM EDT with presentations beginning at 6:15.
For questions about the Symposium, contact Dave Everton (DEverton@indiana.edu). Also, in order that we may plan for the event, please RSVP using the following link: form.jotform.com/240527741452151
Also note we will again be doing a pre-Symposium karst surface tour. IKC President Matt Selig will be the guide and the tour will take a detailed look at the hydrological dynamics of Indiana’s Lost River drainage basin. We will exam surface features with a special emphasis placed on the karst processes evidenced by these surface features. We will also discuss karst resource protection topics in the Lost River drainage basin. Because the number of participants will be limited, pre-registration for the tour is required. Registration for the tour opens on March 1, but you may go to IKCFieldTourApril2024.eventbrite.com at any time for more information and to have a reminder sent to you. Participants will depart from and be back to the Orange County Community Center (site of the Symposium) with plenty of time to be ready for the 5 PM dinner. Hiking on and off trail may be required. All registered participants will receive detailed information after signing up.
Orange County Community Center
1075 Sandy Hook Road Paoli, Indiana 47454Presentations
(Not necessarily in order)

ICS: What’s in it for you?
Carla Striegel-Winner

Wayne Studebaker Dye Tracing to Blair Hollow, Monroe County, Indiana
Mike Drake and Kevin Romanak

Henderson Park Caves at Twin Creek Valley: A TNC/IKC Partnership
Scott Frosch

The Connection and Future Management
Danyele Green

Monroe County Karst Conservancy Land Planning Ordinance: Proposed Updates, Definition & Implications
Ginger Davis

Navigating the Springs Database of the Indiana Geological and Water Survey
McKailey Sabaj

The Discovery and Exploration of Buck Creek Lodge Cave, Harrison County, Indiana
Chris Bell
Photos courtesy of David Black